Jacqueline Beacham

New Mexico - New Mexico State University


Louise-Marie Dandurand


University of Idaho


Johan Desaeger

Associate Professor

University of Florida

Peter DiGennaro

Assistant Professor

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Amanda Hodson

Assistant Professor

University of California Davis

Travis R. Faske

University of Arkansas


Cynthia Gleason

Associate Professor

Washington State University


Simon (Niels) Groen

Assistant Professor

University of California Riverside

Asia (Joanna) Kud

Assistant Professor

University of Arkansas


IKud Lab focuses on molecular plant-nematode interactions. Our goal is to improve nematode management practices by better understanding how genetic variability among nematode populations and nematode adaptation abilities impact the effectiveness of current nematode control approaches. Additionally, we use various approaches to identify soybean genes that contribute to nematode resistance, which can inform future breeding efforts.

Kathy Lawrence

Associate Professor

Auburn University


Ares of expertise are in soil borne and foliar fungal diseases specifically plant parasitic nematodes and fungi attacking field crops, vegetables and ornamentals with emphasis on nematode and fungal pathogen interactions and host-pathogen relationships in the natural environment. The goals of my applied research (Hatch Project # ALA015-2-14003) are to develop and evaluate ecologically based plant disease management programs for the economically important crops in Alabama, and to deliver these programs to growers. My basic research uses a multidisciplinary approach to address fundamental questions in plant parasitic nematode pathogenicity as well as fungal pathogen interactions and host-pathogen relationships.

Haddish Melakeberhan

Associate Professor

Michigan State University


Integrated and sustainable nematode, nutrient cycling, and soil health management in cropping systems.

Thomas O. Powers

University of Nebraska–Lincoln ·


Shahid Siddique

Associate Professor

University of California Davis


Siddique Lab focuses on elucidating interactions between plant parasitic nematodes and their hosts using molecular and applied methodologies.

Brent Sipes


University of Hawaii at Manoa


Paulo Vieira



To be successful plant-parasites, nematodes secrete large repertoires of effector proteins, which are key components of their molecular dialogue with the host plants. Our group focuses on the identification and validation of nematode effector genes and understanding of the diversity and effector biology of migratory nematode species.

Tristan Watson

Assistant Professor

Louisiana State university


Evaluation of host plant resistance, cover crops, and nematicides for management of Rotylenchulus reniformis, Meloidogyne incognita, and Meloidogyne enterolobii on major agronomic and specialty crops grown in Louisiana. Influence of nematode genetic variability on the efficacy of management tactics deployed in Louisiana.

Lei Zhang

Assistant Professor

Purdue University


The Plant Nematology Lab at Purdue University conducts both basic and translational research on different aspects of plant nematology with the aim of developing new tools for nematode management in agriculture.