Advancing Sustainable Nematode Management to Protect Crop Production.

Image credit: Paulo Vieira

Vision of the W5186 Project

The W5186 project is a collaborative multistate fund administered by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) that focuses on understanding and managing the genetic variability and adaptation of plant-parasitic nematodes affecting crop production and trade. By developing innovative diagnostic tools and sustainable management strategies, the project aims to mitigate economic losses and enhance agricultural sustainability. A list of participant organizations can be found here.

The multistate nature of the project ensures a broad and integrated approach, leveraging diverse expertise and resources to tackle nematode-related challenges across different regions. This comprehensive effort aims to deliver significant benefits to the agricultural community by improving nematode management and fostering greater resilience in crop production systems.


1.      Characterize Genetic and Biological Variation: Investigate the genetic and biological variation in nematodes that are relevant to crop production and trade, providing a foundation for targeted management approaches.

2.      Understand Nematode Adaptation Processes: Examine how nematodes adapt to various hosts, agro-ecosystems, and environmental conditions, providing insights that are crucial for predicting and managing their impacts.

3.      Develop and Assess Management Strategies: Create and evaluate effective nematode management strategies within agricultural production systems, promoting practices that are both sustainable and economically viable.


Explore our latest research and findings on nematode management and agricultural sustainability. Our publications provide detailed insights and results from our ongoing studies.

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Discover the innovative tools and solutions developed by the W5186 project. Our products include diagnostic tools and management strategies designed to support farmers and researchers in mitigating nematode-related challenges.

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University of California Davis
Storer 4208
Davis, 95616
(530) 754 7659